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Studio Policies


All dancers, parents and visitors will remove their outdoor footwear upon entering the studio. Parents and Visitors wishing to enter the observation area must remove Outdoor footwear which is to be kept in the Shoe Cubbies located beside the vending & at the back of the digital viewing area. This policy is in effect 365 days of the year and is not seasonal. You are welcome to bring indoor slippers to the studio for your comfort.


Lockers have been provided as a convenience to students.  All contents must be removed daily and anything that remains overnight will be discarded. One locker is permitted per student. Dance Place is not responsible for any lost or stolen articles. Please leave all valuables at home.


There are no refund or make-up classes offered for any reason.


In the event of bad weather, please check the studio answering machine and/or Web site after 2:00 PM for any announcements of cancelled classes. The rescheduling of cancelled classes may or may not be possible.


Food and drinks will be kept in the common areas only, and will not be brought into the dance studios. Absolutely NO STREET SHOES are allowed in any of the dance studios. 


Dance Place offers office staff at 27 Thorold Rd. on the following days and times: 

Mondays; 5pm-8pm

Tuesdays; 5pm – 8pm

Saturdays; 10am – 2pm  


If you are unable to make one of these days to speak with someone we would kindly ask that you email, send a private message on our Facebook page or leave a voicemail at (905) 735-6335 and we will do our best to address your needs as quickly as possible.



For The Students ...


Please respect your studio; place all garbage in the trash cans, pick up your belongings, do not wear street shoes in the studios, keep the common areas, lockers and washrooms tidy. Please be sure to clean up after yourself when you are finished having a break in between classes. Nothing should be left behind on the benches.


Students will not hang on the barres, touch the mirrors or operate the sound systems.Drinks are not permitted in class. Students will not be allowed in any dance studio without a teacher present. This is for your own safety.


Please call the studio and notify us if you are going to be absent. We kindly ask that you make every effort to be present at all of your classes. The studio is not responsible for missed notices due to absence. Please check with the main office for any missed information. Notices are also posted on the studio web site for your convenience. Please log into the member login to be able to access missed or lost information.


The studio is not responsible for any lost or stolen articles. Please leave your valuables at home. For safety reasons no jewellery should be worn in class. Please leave all jewellery at home.


Spectators are not allowed in the classrooms. They are invited to observe through the viewing windows or on the closed circuit monitors in the waiting room.


It is important that students come to class dressed in the proper dance attire so body lines are clearly visible to the instructors. This is necessary for proper instruction. Students who do not come prepared for class in the proper attire will be given a warning. If this lack of etiquette persists, students will be asked to leave class. Students are to have their hair tied back, and neatly secured off their face for all classes.


Students will show the utmost respect to the facility, fellow dancers, parents and staff at all times. Please do not disturb classes already in progress. If someone is in the office you can leave a message with them. Please only interrupt a class in progress if the matter is URGENT.


Please make sure your child uses the washroom before class to ensure they do not lose valuable class time. Please make every effort to have your children to class on time. We understand that everyone has a schedule, please respect ours.


Use the benches provided for viewing windows. Please do not deliberately stand in front of and/or block the windows which will interfere with the viewing pleasure of others.


It is the parent's responsibility to ensure that the office is informed of any change in address, telephone number &/or other contact information in the event of an emergency.  Please be sure the office has your most recent email address on file. The studio uses email as a source of reminders and updates throughout the dance season.


All vehicles must use the designated parking spaces. This includes drop offs & pick ups. Do not deliberately park or block the entrances and/exits to the parking lot.

     Niagara's Premier School of Dance       

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2  x State of the Art Locations, 400+ Students & Over 20 Professionally Trained Instructors

27 Thorold Rd., Welland, On  L3C 3T3

397 Thorold Rd., Welland, On  L3C 3W4


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