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As we re-open our facilities, we will be introducing many new health and safety practices to keep our DANCE PLACE family as healthy and safe as possible.


The following is a detailed list of how we plan to implement all of the Provincially mandated guidelines surrounding COVID-19. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this information, please e-mail the studio directly. The health and well-being of our staff, students and their families is our top priority.

    - A mask must be worn in all common areas at all times. - Students may take off their mask while engaging in physical activity (dance) and safely place them in a clean Ziploc bag. If desired, masks are welcomed to be worn the entire time. - If a child needs to go to the washroom in the middle of class, the teacher will remind them that they need to wear their mask to exit the classroom. - The by-law does provide exemptions for masks for any children in our Nursery Programs (ages 5 years and under).
    - All family members are asked to drop off and return, or wait outside in their vehicles. - Waiting areas will remain closed to ensure that we remain within the allowable capacity at all times. - Staff members will remind students to stay distanced, wear their mask and keep apart while waiting for class to begin. - Lockers will be off-limits and any personal belongings such as outdoor shoes, coats, bags, etc., will be left in the common area. Tape has been marked on the carpet so that children space out their belongings. - Please arrive at the designated drop off time to eliminate any unnecessary waiting around. - No outside food or drinks permitted in the facility, with the exception of a water bottle.
    - Dance classes will be structured and socially distanced. Curricular adjustments have been made to eliminate shared prop use, hand-holding and to eliminate mixing and mingling in the classroom. - The dance studio floors have been marked off with tape. Each student will have a 6FT X 6FT designated area to stand inside and do their dancing. - Dancers will stay in their designated spot/square during class time, unless they are moving across the floor. - Before moving to another part of the classroom, dancers will wait for instruction. We will coach dancers on how we move across the floor safely. - Dancers must have shoes on their feet at all times. No bare feet allowed except for Acro classes. - If dance shoes are not owned, too small or accidentally forgotten, dancers may wear socks.
    - All high touch surfaces will be sanitized between changeover of classes. This includes (but not limited to) door handles, light switches, ballet barres, and the dance floors themselves. - There will be hand sanitizer stations upon entry to the building as well as on the wall at the entrance of every dance room. - Anti-bacterial hand soap will be available in all restrooms. - All students must use hand sanitizer upon entering the facilities.
    - All students and staff are to take the COVID-19 self-assessment before entering our facilities. The self-assessment is posted at each of our buildings. - Parents are asked not to send their children to class if the child, a member of their household or someone they have been in close contact with have tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days and to remain at home until a negative test or confirmation from their doctor that it is safe to return to class. - In order to assist with contact tracing if the need arises, we ask parents to use the Dance Place Parent Portal to report absences and to include a note if the absence is related to COVID-19 symptoms.
    - Dancers will enter the facility upon arrival, one at a time. - Staff will be working to receive the students and help guide them to the proper areas. - Dancers will be dismissed out of the same door they entered. Any students who do not see a parent that is present and waiting outside for them will need to wait inside of the building.
    - Students with verified medical conditions may be exempt from certain policies and procedures. - The Policies and Procedures at Dance Place are made in accordance with and/or in conjunction with Federal and Provincial mandates. These policies and procedures may change at any time without notice, but will always remain within the government guidelines.

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